Saturday, January 30, 2010

Time to look after me

Got my blood test results back yesterday - all clear..................mmmmmm, definately thought something would come up.
Have been having head-spins, feeling dizzy, tired and generally just blah. My Dr was convinced I was anemic, but apparantley not. He was very impressed with my results and said that everything was normal or better than normal.

Soooooooooooooo his answer - stress. I was quite upset when he first said this, because it seems that everything that is wrong with me is stress related, which means - I am doing this to myself!
He told me to go home and think about whats been happening in my life over the past two months and see if anything could have affected me and made me feel stressed.

So I did that, and I had come up with quite a few actually:
* Not being happy at work and taking a month off from my long service leave so I can just get away from the place and figure out what I want to do
* Brining my Dad's ashes up from Sydney, very hard time!
* Renovations at home
* Family issues/disagreements
* My 30th birthday party

So maybe it is stress? Maybe now that most of these things have settled down, things might start to improve? He has told me that I need to look after myself. Eat right, make an effort to exericse, try some yoga etc.
So thats what I am going to do. I need to make a real effort to look after myself and if the issues are still there, then I can go back and we can explore other possible causes.

So here's to 2010 being the year I put me first


  1. Yes, you do need to look after yourself, hon. Bring your life into better balance and I know your health issues will improve. I know what it's like to have a job which seems to be destroying your soul sometimes. xx

  2. Hey girl,
    Thanks for following me! I've added myself to your 'stalkers' list as well. tee hee hee ;)
