Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick one to say that I am still alive, but have just completely forgotten about blogging!

Am on holidays doing heaps of stuff around the house. Haven't been doing as much exercise as I had planned, but I am going non stop with various things like gardening/wheelbarrowing rubbish to the skip/moving furniture etc. Not a good excuse I know, but better than doing nothing at all.

I had colonics yesterday (sorry for the gross topic!), but I am hoping that this will help give me a fresh start with my IBS. She said I was pretty "backed up" and require a couple more treatments to be fully cleansed and feeling the benefits.
So if it helps me, then it's something that I will continue to do.
Am planning on also going to a Natropath while I'm off and having some blood tests and see if a food intolerance is causing the IBS. May as well get myself sorted for the new year!

Today went and had a consult with a plastic surgen for a boob job. Looks like it might all go ahead, but not until May next year cause he has a very long waiting list. Not going very big at all, just to a full C cup, he advised me to not go too big cause I am so petite up top and it will just look stupid, but said I need enough to make me proportionate to my hips. So I'm very excited/nervous/scared all those sorts of feelings.

So as I said, just a quick update. Will try and update a little more whilst I am on leave

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