Monday, November 30, 2009

What a week!

Phew, where to begin?

I have had ONE shit of a week. Started out well on Monday since I was fresh back from holidays but by Tuesday lunchtime I was ready to chuck the towel in.
My role at work has changed, they have taken a lot of the crappy basic admin type stuff off me to allow me to concentrate on more of the business improvement type stuff. However, I haven't had a lot of direction regarding the new role. Not that I need a lot of direction usually, but since it's a new role, I do need at least some.
So bascially once all my normal everyday work is done, I sit there twiddling my thumbs. Some people may be happy with being dead at work, it's ok sometimes, but not that often. So after spending most of Monday organising my 30th, I was getting fed up with not having a lot to do.

I don't think it's healthy waking up and dreading going to work. If you aren't enjoying it, then why bother?
So Tuesday lunchtime I went to my boss and told him I would be dipping into my long service leave and taking the rest of the year off, cause if I don't, I may tell him to stick his job. All ok, not much questions asked, why do you need to take the leave? what can we do to make your job better? etc, it was just simply, ok, no probs, take the time you need.

So from tomorrow afternoon I am on leave until the new year. That gives me just over 4 weeks of leave.

So during that 4 weeks my plan is to really hit the exercise hard. I just received a text from Nic saying she is all better and ready to rock and roll so I am meeting her on Wednesday morning at 7am. She said something about "sweat, sweat, sweat" so I may die!
I am also going to rejoin my local gym for the month. It's run by my local council and the membership is $40 per month with no lock in contracts, so I thought it would be perfect to do for the month that I'm off and go and smash myself in the air con ☺

I also started back counting points today. I know that WW works for me and if I can stick to my points for the next 4 weeks I should be able to get rid of 4-5kgs, which will be awesome!

I can't get out of my head that over the next 4 weeks I will be concentrating on the almost 3kgs I have put on over the last 3 weeks rather than getting to my goal over the next 4 weeks. It's so frustrating that I allowed myself to eat the crap. It's amazing how much 2kg makes as well! My belly is sooo wobbly! I'm not claiming that I ever had a 6 pack, but there was a 2 pack happening, almost a 4 pack and now thats totally gone! NOT HAPPY JAN

So thats me for today, will be better tomorrow afternoon when I am on leave.
I have stuck to my points today and might take the dogs for a walk now, then do some weights when I come back.


  1. Good to see you back in the blogosphere. :)
    I can understand your frustration with work. My current job doesn't leave me with a lot of spare time, but I had a job once that did and I was going stir crazy by the end of it.
    You'll have to let us know how the training session goes! Good luck! :)

  2. Love the look of the new blog Lauren. Hang in there mate you will achieve your goals. I hope the 4 weeks will get you what you want just Never Give Up..... I so understand what you mean about your job.
    Take care and get your butt moving.
