Monday, December 21, 2009

New progress shots

Well, it's a month since I started this blog, and I promised monthly progress photos, so here they are!
I started this blog on the 21st Nov at 61.9kg, by the 30th Nov I had somehow managed to get up to 62.3kg!!!! This morning, I have weighed in at 60.2kg. So over the month I have lost 2.1kg. I was hoping for the around the 3kg mark, but I am ok with 2.1kg, better than nothing and certainly better than gaining.
As far as the progress photos go, I can only notice the changes in my stomach, nothing else really. Which is a bummer!

So here are my front pics:

Here are the back view ones (only thing I can notice is my new LJ singlet tan!)

Here are my side ones:

And heres one of the guns, just for fun!

So reasonably happy with the first month, would have like more weight to come off and more noticeable changes in the pics, but I can't say I have been following my training program 100%. Lucky I have been doing a lot of renovations and landscaping and gardening around the house though.

Until next blog...............

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bit of an emotional day

A while ago I decided that I would bring my Dad's ashes up to QLD to be here with me. I would build a beautiful Balinese style garden (Dad loved Balinese Gardens) and pop his ashes in a pot.
That way he could be here with me and I could go and talk to him whenever I like.

So last week I made the phone call to the cremetorium and arranged to have him retrieved and posted to me.

So I've been prepping the garden bed and on Sunday I went and bought all the plants that I wanted to put in the garden.
Yesterday I planted the plants.

Yesterday I also received the little Australia Post ticket to say that there was a parcel waiting for me to collect. I knew what it was. It wasn't going to be my Secret Santa gift cause she only posted it yesterday. It was going to be Dad's ashes.

So this afternoon I went and bought a beautiful wine coloured ceramic pot plant and then off to the post office I went.

It was Dad's ashes. It was so hard reading the plaque:
"Allan Edward Connors
15 May 1955 - 18 May 2001
Loving Husband to Kerry
Devoted Father to Lauren and Sean
Forever in our hearts"

Gee, I'm all teary just typing that now! It was so hard reading it. I've never seen it before, as horrible as that sounds. Mum arranged for the wording of the plaque and I have never been to his grave. I refused to go the day of his funeral and have not visited him anytime I went to Sydney. I planned many a time to visit him, but just couldn't do it.

Tomorrow is going to be an even harder day I am guessing as my brother is coming over after work and we are going to bury him together in the pot.

I am then going to plant a beautiful white rose bush for him, I always remember him saying that he would have loved a white rose bush at his grave, so I'm going to give it to him.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday - weigh in day

Lost 1kg last week - yay! It's amazing how those stupid scales control your mood isn't it? I have made one positive step though, and that is moving the scales from my ensuite into the main bathroom so I can weigh once a week only. It's going to be tough, but I have to make myself do it!

Training is going ok, not doing nearly as much as I should be and I have decided to sit down today for 10 mins and plan my week of training. Rather than just walking into my gym and saying to myself "mmmmm, what body part shall I work today?". If I have something in front of me and know what I am meant to be doing I am more likely to stick to it. So thats the goal this week, get 6 training sessions in. Should be easy! I'm on holidays!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick one to say that I am still alive, but have just completely forgotten about blogging!

Am on holidays doing heaps of stuff around the house. Haven't been doing as much exercise as I had planned, but I am going non stop with various things like gardening/wheelbarrowing rubbish to the skip/moving furniture etc. Not a good excuse I know, but better than doing nothing at all.

I had colonics yesterday (sorry for the gross topic!), but I am hoping that this will help give me a fresh start with my IBS. She said I was pretty "backed up" and require a couple more treatments to be fully cleansed and feeling the benefits.
So if it helps me, then it's something that I will continue to do.
Am planning on also going to a Natropath while I'm off and having some blood tests and see if a food intolerance is causing the IBS. May as well get myself sorted for the new year!

Today went and had a consult with a plastic surgen for a boob job. Looks like it might all go ahead, but not until May next year cause he has a very long waiting list. Not going very big at all, just to a full C cup, he advised me to not go too big cause I am so petite up top and it will just look stupid, but said I need enough to make me proportionate to my hips. So I'm very excited/nervous/scared all those sorts of feelings.

So as I said, just a quick update. Will try and update a little more whilst I am on leave

Monday, November 30, 2009

What a week!

Phew, where to begin?

I have had ONE shit of a week. Started out well on Monday since I was fresh back from holidays but by Tuesday lunchtime I was ready to chuck the towel in.
My role at work has changed, they have taken a lot of the crappy basic admin type stuff off me to allow me to concentrate on more of the business improvement type stuff. However, I haven't had a lot of direction regarding the new role. Not that I need a lot of direction usually, but since it's a new role, I do need at least some.
So bascially once all my normal everyday work is done, I sit there twiddling my thumbs. Some people may be happy with being dead at work, it's ok sometimes, but not that often. So after spending most of Monday organising my 30th, I was getting fed up with not having a lot to do.

I don't think it's healthy waking up and dreading going to work. If you aren't enjoying it, then why bother?
So Tuesday lunchtime I went to my boss and told him I would be dipping into my long service leave and taking the rest of the year off, cause if I don't, I may tell him to stick his job. All ok, not much questions asked, why do you need to take the leave? what can we do to make your job better? etc, it was just simply, ok, no probs, take the time you need.

So from tomorrow afternoon I am on leave until the new year. That gives me just over 4 weeks of leave.

So during that 4 weeks my plan is to really hit the exercise hard. I just received a text from Nic saying she is all better and ready to rock and roll so I am meeting her on Wednesday morning at 7am. She said something about "sweat, sweat, sweat" so I may die!
I am also going to rejoin my local gym for the month. It's run by my local council and the membership is $40 per month with no lock in contracts, so I thought it would be perfect to do for the month that I'm off and go and smash myself in the air con ☺

I also started back counting points today. I know that WW works for me and if I can stick to my points for the next 4 weeks I should be able to get rid of 4-5kgs, which will be awesome!

I can't get out of my head that over the next 4 weeks I will be concentrating on the almost 3kgs I have put on over the last 3 weeks rather than getting to my goal over the next 4 weeks. It's so frustrating that I allowed myself to eat the crap. It's amazing how much 2kg makes as well! My belly is sooo wobbly! I'm not claiming that I ever had a 6 pack, but there was a 2 pack happening, almost a 4 pack and now thats totally gone! NOT HAPPY JAN

So thats me for today, will be better tomorrow afternoon when I am on leave.
I have stuck to my points today and might take the dogs for a walk now, then do some weights when I come back.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday (week 1)


B: 2 x weetbix with skim milk + 1 tsp equal sugar
1 x coffee with skim milk + 1 tsp equal sugar

S: Yoghurt
Bunch of grapes
Mixed nuts

L: Salmon salad (lettuce/tomato/cucumber/beetroot/corn kernels/snow pea sprouts)

S: Slim Metabolism Protein Bar
Mixed nuts

D: Chicken breast with tinned tomatoes and light mozzarella cheese (Ben's version of Chicken Parmigarma) with mushroom pasta side dish

2 x sets of 12 reps
Shoulder DB press
Side Lateral DB raise
Front Lateral DB raise
Incline DB chest press
Incline DB chest flye
Push ups
Overhead tricep press
Tricep kickbacks

Up'd the weight today to 4kg and it hurt, so thats good. I'll stick at this weight for a little while.

Feeling really really grumpy today. Had to force myself to exercise and now all I want to do is veg on the couch with a block of chocolate. Lucky I don't have any in the house! Don't even want to clean the kitchen after dinner! Grrrrr, cranky cranky cranky!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday (week 1)


B: Weetbix with skim milk + 1 tsp equal sugar
Coffee with skim milk + 1 tsp equal sugar

S: Slim Secrets protein bar
Skim milk capp with vanilla shot no sugar

L: Brown rice with roasted vegetables (pumpkin/sweet potato/eggplant/zucchini/cherry tomatoes/carrots)
Coke Zero

S: Tin of tuna
Bunch of grapes

D: Chicken stirfry with vegies

30 min dog walk
30 min exercise DVD ballet style - ow!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday (week 1)


B: 2 x weetbix with low-fat milk + 1 tsp equal sugar
Coffee with low-fat milk + 1 tsp equal sugar

S: Nil

L: Salad (lettuce/cucumber/carrot/snow pea sprouts/corn kernels) with tomato and onion salmon with soy and linseed crackers

S: Protein shake, apple, bunch of grapes

D: Steak with haloumi and salad (lettuce/tomato/cucumber/corn kernels/beetroot/carrot)

S: Watermelon

20 min exercise show from Foxtel. Interval cardio
Weights, full body workout as below with 3kg DB (haven't done weights in a while so thought I would start light)
2 x sets of 12 reps
Shoulder Press
Chest Press
Bicep Curl
Tricep Kickback
Back Pullover

Feel good after my workout, kind of all shaky and energised :-)

New blog, new start

Well, have started a fresh new blog to go with my fresh new start (AGAIN!)
Have taken (once again) my "before pics", well they're not really before pics, they're kind of just "now" pics.
I was going quite well with my weight and toning, before I went on holidays! Left for my holidays at 60kg and was hoping that I would come back under 60kg cause of all the walking and exercise I would be doing - WRONG!
Came back at 61.9kg...........eeeekkkk! So I really need some help. Prior before going on holidays I decided to contact an old trainer that I had been seeing for bootcamps, Nicky Jankovic. She really knows her stuff and can get my butt into gear.
So she is designing me an at home program and nutrition program. I was meant to see her for a session on Thursday but she's been hit pretty bad with the flu (get well Nic xx), but that doesn't need to be a reason that I can't start on my own does it?
So here we are. I've attached my new pics (ew, cringe) and my measurements today are as follows:
Chest: 85cm
Waist: 79cm (at bellybutton)
Hips: 99cm (at widest part)
Thigh R: 56cm (25cm above knee)
Bicep R: 30cm (13cm above elbow joint)
So basically I will use this blog to record my daily food/exercise/feelings/thoughts/etc and hope that it keeps me accountable.
Please leave your comments to push me through :-)